Toby Dorr
The Leadership Series

The Leadership Series

Inspiring women to share their gifts with the world.

The Leadership Series

Through leadership tools, these workbooks enable women to bring their dreams to life.

Learning about vision, mission, purpose, and leadership, with the ultimate goal of creating movements, this series clarifies ideas and dreams.

This Leadership Series will be released in 2023.

visionary leadership

for women with ideas to share

Find your vision by action and instinct…

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empathetic leadership

for women with love to spread

Find purpose and perspective through focused introspection…

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crusading leadership

for women with a fire in their soul

Start your own movement by shining your light in the darkness…

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By presenting the stories of women who have changed the world and incorporating them with leadership techniques, The Unleashed Series enables you to identify your passion, create a circle of like-minded women, and be a difference-maker.

The day came when I was called upon to tell my story. I could have remained invisible, but I realized I was born to lead others to purpose.

The leadership series: Creators Unleashed, Nurturers Unleashed, and Warriors Unleashed, empowers women to change the world.

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