Answering the difficult question
Answering the difficult question

Answering the difficult question

Why did I do it?

Why did I help John Manard escape from prison? That’s the million dollar question. Literally.

It’s taken me losing everything, building a new life from scratch at the age of 51, years of expensive counseling and therapy, and decades of introspection, to come close to an answer.

Even still, I don’t have the complete answer. But I have parts of it.

I was desperate for change in my life. I felt invisible and then suddenly I was the center of someone’s world.

Here are the things I’ve learned:

  • Decisions made while desperate are rarely logical.
  • Some days the best you can do is move one teeny tiny baby step forward. And that counts.
  • Time is a blessing, even if it’s behind bars.
  • We all have a gift to share with the world.
  • Change is unbelievably difficult – in fact I don’t think there’s a word in the dictionary that can define just how difficult change is.
  • Rock bottom is a solid foundation on which to build a new life.
  • When UP is the only way you can go, you can’t lose.
  • Second chances are real, but sometimes not with every person in your life.
  • Second chances require letting go.
  • You don’t always end up at the destination you set sail for.
  • The world, even with its ugliness, is a beautiful place.
  • Women yearn to be heard and appreciated.
  • It is the act of breaking free that gives you the strength to fly.
  • You have to speak up and tell your truth – someone out there is waiting to hear it.

So, back to the question, why’d I do it?

The answer is all those things I’ve learned and all the the things I’ve yet to learn.

The answer is still being written, but it’s becoming clearer.

I did it because I had to. I thought it was my only way out. The answer is closer…

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